Craig Wright

About Me

My name is Craig, I'm currently seeking a more technicaly oriented career. To actualize this goal, I attended a six month long coding bootcamp hosted by the University of Utah. My experience with this course was crucial for my growth as a developer. It has given me a strong starting point to build off of, and has given me important studying techniques to learn new technologies and current web development practices. With these techniques, I can keep expanding my knowledge to learn anything I set my mind to.

My interest in web development began as I was taking a class through SLCC, Living in a Digital World. On one assignment, the class was split into groups to build a wiki page. This excersize required the groups to create a mock event; the wiki had a complete setup with scheduling, a map of the area with hotel markers, video advertisements, and descriptions of the event.

One of my responsibilities was the overall design of the page. The wiki had templates available for this portion. The vanilla templates were boring, so I explored my options with the setup. There was an option to edit the html of the page. It was with this that I was exposed to HTML and inline CSS. Since then I've had a fascination for what makes a web page what it is, and how it works; I've decided to take steps towards becoming a web developer.

While learning web development, I had those same feelings of satisfaction as I did with the group project in my early college days. With the SLCC class, everything was purely visual. When I was introduced to JavaScript, I learned I could do anything that any other website could do with the correct implementation of logic. This added a whole new level of nuance to web development that I found enthralling. Being able to approach a problem with code, and finding a solution feels very rewarding. Even rewarding at the times where a work around, or a new approach is necessary for the completion of the overall goal.

A more personal and relaxed note:

I have several different hobbies, most the time I can't keep up with them all as I like to experience a plethora of activities. To work around my need for a vast set of hobbies, I focus on a few and touch up on the lesser visited hobbies sporadically.

I usually like to go longboarding when the weather is nice, or if that seems a bit too quick paced for me at the time I'll just go on a walk. I also enjoy gaming, although recently I haven't had as much time to devote towards gaming as I have in the past, but that's not necessarily a bad thing; I am devoting more time towards learning and self-driven projects.